
Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Wax and Cannon: An Authentic Jamaican Treatment

This home remedy had me laughing when I learnt about it.

I depend a lot on my mom to pass on these remedies, whenever she remembers them. As she and I went through our bout of the Chikungunya virus, we were suffering gravely from wax and cannon in our groins. I heard her laugh out loudly and said "nuh wonda fuss time people used to tek stone outta de grung' an put pan dem wax and cannon..."

How to Cure the Wax and Cannon

This was so new to me. She referred to our fore parents as (fuss time people which means first time people.) and what this remedy simply requires is digging a small stone from the earth and pressing the area that was faced downwards, hard on the area of the wax and cannon. When you remove the stone, it is planted back in its exact position from which and where it was dug. This was believed to bring down the swelling.

Does this really work? It still remains a mystery to me.


  1. My grandmother used to cut an unpeeled green banana lengthwise, use a spoon to scrape out the flesh unto a piece of clean cloth, pour a drop of kerosene oil over the flesh and barely warm it over heat (not raw flames!) Then when it becomes warm enough, she would tie that concoction over the area and go on with your life....that too was a mystery. Can't say what the outcome was but that was the ritual. I guessed it worked because she would have given up using that technique if it didn't. But I do remember like it was yesterday.

    1. Thank you for sharing and visiting

  2. My grandmother would get ( Bessy ) it a seed that is been greated and dry and store in a bottle just in case of a poisoning of food or if any rustic nail got you.
