
Monday, 2 April 2012

Healing Properties of Water

Water: Often referred to as LIFE possess many healing properties.

Did you know that drinking water in the correct proportions everyday (at least 5 7oz glasses) cleanses the body of impurities and assists in the prevention of diseases?


Hot Water Baths
Some of the uses of Water
Hot or warm water Bath can be used to treat a fever patient

Boil enough water (to allow immersion of most of the body)
Pour the water into a huge enough pan
Allow to arrive at a temperature at which the skin can tolerate.
Add Rum and two halves of lime to the water.
Immerse the entire body into the water and cover with a huge blanket or towel, leaving the head uncovered. (Be sure to carry out the procedure in an enclosed area to prevent the patient from catching a draft.)
Remain in the water until it reaches room temperature.
Thereafter, quickly remove wet linen and replace with dry. Stay in the towel until the body begins to produce sweat.

Water for Menstrual Cramps
Get a large pan and pour warm water in it. Immerse the feet, ensuring that up to the knees are covered. This is said to relieve menstrual cramps. Repeat at least once per month. Fragrance can be added.

Water for Hot Sits
Boil water and pour into a sanitized basin.
To the water, add sea salt and 2 cloves of garlic.
Sit over the basin for as warm as you can tolerate the steam.
Cover the groin area with a towel to trap the steam.

The pelvic and anal area can also be partially immersed in the water. This is said to stimulate circulation in the pelvic area, reduce menstrual cramps and prevents yeast infections.

1 comment:

  1. It's a nice content on the Healing properties which can get through the water and it was innovative and helpful to get awareness about it, Thank you so much.
