
Monday, 11 April 2011

Treating Bad Breath

Bad breath is one of the most common diseases known to man; some cases more severe than others. One of the simplest ways of treating this unpleasant disease is to use a pinch of baking soda at least once per week. Ensure that all the hard to reach places and the tongue are thoroughly brushed. This will not only provide fresh breath, but will also whiten the teeth.

Chewed cane trash is also another very simple way to freshen the breath and also whiten the teeth. In most cases bacteria associated with bad breath thrive in dry mouth. Persons who fall in this category may chew gums to keep the mouth salivating.

These remedies may also be used even if one does not suffer from the condition but would like to maintain healthy condition of the mouth.

Persons with bad breath caused from other diseases should seek medical assistance.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, most of us don't want a natural treatment to our diseases because of the perception that prescripted anti-biotics are better than herbal solutions. However, that may not be the case all the time. Take note that herbal products were used before modern medicine was born. But if you're confused on what to use, you can always consult your dentist. Bad breath can be KO'd if you use the right products! :)

    Timothy Burley
